
Category Archives: Financial

The Vital Importance of Regularly Checking Your Bank Statements.

Invest In yourself Blog Image - The Vital Importance of Regularly Checking Your Bank Statements.

Keeping a close eye on your financial transactions is crucial. One of the most effective ways to do this is to check your bank statements regularly. Many people underestimate the importance of this simple task, but it can significantly impact safeguarding your finances. 

Breaking the Cycle: How to Identify and Overcome Bad Financial Habits

Invest In yourself Blog - How to Identify and Overcome Bad Financial Habits

Bad financial habits can significantly impact our lives, affecting our financial stability, emotional well-being, and overall quality of life. These habits, from overspending to neglecting to save for the future, can lead to a cycle of financial stress and uncertainty. Understanding the consequences of these habits is the first step towards breaking free from their…

What Am I Entitled To If I Get Retrenched?

A man wearing a face mask while carrying a box of his personal items after being retrenched.

The South African unemployment rate is very high and continues to climb during these tough economic times as more people are being retrenched. If retrenchment is on the cards for you, then you must understand your rights and what you are entitled to under South African law. Below are some of the financial benefits that…

Being Prepared for Possible Retrenchment

Facing retrenchment is a reality for many South Africans. This can be an overwhelming time that’s filled with uncertainty. With the South African economy under a lot of financial pressure, it’s only realistic to be prepared for retrenchment. Many South Africans have already lost their jobs and even more people will likely be retrenched. Listed…

What To Do If You’ve Been Retrenched

Female employee receiving a letter of retrenchment while seated at her desk.

Retrenchment is one of the most difficult things that anybody can experience. The reality is that many South Africans are facing possible retrenchment, or they have already been impacted by retrenchment. Losing your job can be an incredibly scary and overwhelming time. It impacts us financially, emotionally, and mentally too. If you find yourself in…

South Africans feeling the weight of Debt

The saying counting your pennies has gotten a new lease on life with the current global economy. Inflation is on the rise; fuel costs are at a record high, and we’ve just seen another electricity tariff hike in recent months. South Africans are digging deep in their pockets and having to stretch their income in…