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Skip to contentFinancial Wellness means having control over your day-to-day finances, being able to absorb a financial crisis and being on track towards reaching your financial goals. This training course teaches you how to manage and structure your finances to ensure that you and your family are financially secure.
Read moreThis is a company event to educate and empower employees to achieve financial security. We will present training courses on various financial wellness topics and have confidential, individual consultations with staff.
Read moreVery few people are able to maintain their current standard of living when they retire. Our training courses teach you how to make adequate provision for retirement, understand your retirement products and how to enjoy your golden years.
Read moreWomen have been driving change in the labour market, the workplace, and their homes. Women also generally live longer than men. Women who take responsibility for their finances have their own personal financial plan. This training course empowers women to achieve financial security.
Read moreRetrenchment is an economic reality. Being retrenched is emotionally challenging. The prospect of being unemployed and unable to maintain your standard of living can be very stressful. This training course helps you to maximise your severance and retirement tax benefits.
Read moreOur education approach takes the mystery out of financial planning. We understand the financial worries that keep you awake at night. That is why we partnered with trusted financial planners who will help you embrace life’s journey by providing a holistic financial wellness solution.
Read moreCheck out our latest articles about financial wellness:
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