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Budgeting Training session cost: R395.00

A woman learning how to budget her money from her financial coach while seated at a desk in front of a laptop.
  • Cost of Budget and Emergency Funds Webinar
  • R0.00
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From R395.00 per delegate

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What our clients have to say...
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Very informative. We must do a refresher twice a year

Precious Ngubeni
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Well presented, very informative

Simon Phalane / Primedia Outdoor
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Very insightful course . Very impressive

Olivia Veryn
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Course was an eye opener

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I absolutely loved the presentation

Ravi Naicker
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Very happy. I needed this information right now

Brenda Zondo
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Informative I will make better financial decisions in future

Alvina Anamalay / FNB Homeloans
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Workshop was very helpful

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Learnt a lot about budgeting. I commit to not overspend

Joyce Diphoko
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Interesting and enlightening course. Felt like it was tailor-made for me
